Parisian Photo Co
75 Princes Street, Edinburgh
Bank Street, Galashiels
Studios in
Edinburgh and Galashiels

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Steve
Aitken, Glasgow
Parisian Photo Co
Thank you to Steve Aitken,
Glasgow for providing the photograph above.
Most of the Parisian Photo Co
cabinet prints that I have seen show only the address of the company's
Edinburgh studio. This studio operated from 1887 until 1914.
However the back of the
cabinet print above also shows the address of the company's studio in
Galashiels in the Scottish Borders. This operated for a shorter
period, 1895 until 1905. |
Thank you, also to David
Millan for sending me a photograph from Parisian Photo Company, with the
Edinburgh and Galashiels studio addresses on the front.
David wrote:
"Here is a scan of a picture taken at the
Parisian Photo Company. It would have been taken after April 1897 as the
baby in the picture was born then. The woman is my great grand mother,
Annie Simpkins, b. 1856. The baby is a great grand aunt." |
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