
 Outdoor Bathing Pool

Thank you to Archie Foley who wrote:

Pool Closed  -  1978

"The pool closed at the end of the 1978 season.  As your correspondent said, the pool was doomed when the electricity generating station closed in March 1977. 

The electricity generating station was beside Portobello Bathing Pool.  Heat from the generating station had been used to heat the sea water in the bathing pool.

Notice Board

Portobello Open Air Bathing Pool  -  Notice Board, 1978

©  Reproduced with acknowledgement to Archie Foley, Joppa, Edinburgh

"Here is the  notice board for the 1978 season.  It is now in the collection of Portobello History Society, as is the locker number and key below:"

Archie Foley, Joppa, Edinburgh:  March 31, 2011 

Notice Board

©  Reproduced with acknowledgement to Archie Foley, Joppa, Edinburgh


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