Papal Visit to Edinburgh


The Tram Returns

This demonstration tram has been in Princes Street, near the foot of The Mound for several months.

It was removed to the West End to allow the Pope to pass by.       Within an hour it had returned.

Princes Street, on the day of the visit by Pope Benedict XVI, September 16, 2010  -  The Tram is returned to its position near The Mound, after the Pope has passed by

©  Copyright: Peter Stubbs  -   please contact                                                                                                                                                                      Photo taken:  September 16, 2010


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    Princes Street, on the day of the visit by Pope Benedict XVI, September 16, 2010  -  The Tram is returned to its position near The Mound, after the Pope has passed by ©


Papal Visit to Edinburgh, 2010

Edinburgh Today

