Jackie Brown's welcome home to

Lyne Street


July 1958

Boxer, Jackie Brown is welcomed home to Lyne Street with his Empire Games Gold Medal, July 1958

©  Scotsman Publications Ltd.   Click here for web site details.     Licensed by Scran,             Photo 99982491  Scran 000-000-061-777

NOTE:  The Scran page that includes this photo gives a publication date of July 27, 1954.  However, The Winning Zone web site says
that the contest took place on July 25, 1958, and June Sutherland (the 3-year old girl in this photo) confirms that the year was 1958.


Enlarge this photo

     Boxer, Jackie Brown is welcomed home to Lyne Street with his Empire Games Gold Medal, July 1958 ©


Jackie Brown

Thank you to June Sutherland for allowing me to reproduce this photograph of the boxer, Jackie Brown, being welcomed back to his home in Lyne Street, Abbeyhill, in July 1958 with the Gold Medal that he won in the Flyweight contest at the Empire Games (now Commonwealth Games) at Cardiff, Wales.

 June wrote:


Lyne Street Welcome

"I lived at Lyne Street from the 1950s until the 1970s, first in a ground floor flat, then in a top flat at 9 Lyne Street, the same address as Jackie Brown.

Does anyone remember me, or any of my family?

-  I am the smallest child in this photo, in the centre, smiling at the camera.

-  My brother, Ian, is centre-right, between the two boys holding flags.

-  My sister, Irene, is on the far left, holding a flag.

My Dad, Colin Sutherland, was a freelance boxing reporter.  He wrote for 'Boxing News' and the 'Daily Mail', and later for 'The Scotsman''   Sadly, he passed away in 1987.

June Sutherland:  December 24, 2010 + January 2+4+8, 2011

Another Photo

Here is another photograph of the same homecoming.  June Sutherland and her brother and sister appear on this photo.

 Boxer, Jackie Brown is welcomed home to Lyne Street with his Empire Games Gold Medal, July 1958 ©

Please click on the thumbnail image above to enlarge it, and read more recollections of Lyne Street.


Lyne Street


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