Photo Company
5a Annandale Street |
Photo 1
Where and when was this photo taken?

Peter Stubbs
Edinburgh |
Cabinet Print
The cabinet print above is an unusual,
outdoor one. Does anybody recognise the location or the
subject? The back of the card is blank. There is a
number '123' chalked on the fence, but this may well have no
connection with the house number.
I have found no record of this company in the Edinburgh trade
directories. Might it have been the name that
John Greenfield gave to
his company? He worked from 5a Annandale Street from 1916 to
Another Photo
I have only seen two prints from Photo Company of 5a Annandale
Street. Both are cabinet print size and both are views taken
on doorsteps.
Here is the other photo.
Where and when was this photo taken?

Reproduced with acknowledgement to
David Gordon, South Side, Edinburgh
October 8, 2009
Steve |
Another Cabinet Print
Thank you to Steve for sending me the photo below produced by
Photo Company, 5a Annandale Street, Edinburgh.
That's the third photo that I've seen from this company.
All three are of people standing in front doorways.
Here is the photo that Steve sent:
Where and when was this photo taken?

Steve: 26 April 2017
Steve wrote:
Another Cabinet Print
"I’m guessing the woman in the photo is a relative who was born in
1839 and died in 1913 and that the building was in Thistle Street,
Cowdenbeath (if my guess is correct)
To be honest, I think the woman looks older than 74, perhaps mid-80s
- but didn’t they all look older back then?
26 April 2017 |