One of the cars in the book
'Do You Know? - Motor Cars'

Reproduced with acknowledgement to
Bryan Norfolk, Harpenden,
Hertfordshire, England: January 30,
Valentine Book
The Book
Above is a photo of part of
one of the pages in Valentine's 'Do You Know? Motor Cars'
book. This book holds pictures of 24 cars, laid out 3 to a page,
with a brief description of each.
Here is another of the pictures in the book:
and here is a picture of the cover of the book:
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Published When?
Thank you to Bryan Norfolk, a
collector of cigarette and trade cards that feature the Austin Seven motor
car of the 1920s/30s, for sending me the photos above.
Brian estimates that this book would have been published around
1926/27. One of the cars in the book is a Rolls Royce 'New Phantom'
that was introduced in 1925. If you can provide a more accurate date
for when this book might have been published,
please email me.
Thank you. - Peter
Stubbs: January 31, 2009 |