Portrait by
James Bacon & Sons
Portrait on Silk

Reproduced with acknowledgement
to Peter Byrne,
Navan, Co. Meath, Ireland
The Original Photo-lithograph

© Ian
Barker, nephew of Gertie
Portrait on Silk
Thank you to Peter Byrne for allowing me to reproduce this portrait on
silk by James Bacon & Sons.
Peter sent me the photograph above in response to a question asked by
Alan Taylor who supplied the photo below.
Please click on the thumbnail image below to enlarge it and read
Peter's question:
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Thank you to Peter for also sending me another portrait on silk by
James Bacon & Sons. Please click on the thumbnail image below to see
© |
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: July 23, 2011
Ian Barker
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada |
The Original Photo
Thank you to Ian Barker for telling me that he believes that the model
for this silk portrait by James Bacon was his Aunt Gertie.
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Ian has sent me a copy of the original photo-lithograph (below).
Sadly, he tells me that Gertie died during World War II. This photo
has been handed down through the family to Ian's father.
It is sepia, without any colour added. It has been signed
'Gertie', and signed in very small font 'Jas Bacon'. The
photo is framed and mounted behind glass. This has resulted in some
reflections on the image. I have made no attempt to remove these.
In small print along the bottom of the portrait were the words:
PHOTO ETCHING (on the left-hand side) and
JAS. BACON (on the right side).
Acknowledgement: Ian Baker, Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada: October 26, 2011
Reply to Ian?
Ian would like to discover more about this photo and about portraits
on silk by James Bacon. If you have any information please email me,
then I'll pass on your message to Ian.
Thank you.
Peter Stubbs,
Edinburgh: November 9, 2011 |