Liberton Cemetery

Gravestones Toppled

Ivan Sjabo's Gravestone at The Grange Cemetery, Edinburgh

©  Reproduced with acknowledgement to Bob Henderson, Burdiehouse, Edinburgh.                                                 Photo taken c.2012

Newington Cemetery

Thank you to Bob Henderson, Burdiehouse, Edinburgh for sending me this photo.

Bob wrote:


"Here's a shot taken at Liberton Cemetery a couple of years ago, when there was a big panic about health and safety.

They just tipped everything over and, as you will see, most of these are fairly small headstones which would not have done anyone much damage."

Bob Henderson, Burdiehouse, Edinburgh:  March 28, 2012

Health & Safety

As Bob suggests, there seems to have been some over-reaction by the authorities to the 'Health & Safety' scare that gravestones may fall and cause injury.

However, the gravestones at Liberton look as if they have been laid down carefully.  That's more than can be said for Warriston Cemetery where it was sad to see some of the gravestones lying broken after having been toppled.


Edinburgh Cemeteries and Graveyards

Around Edinburgh


