Waverley Market


Memorial  Exhibition


Statue at the entrance to Epstein Memorial  Exhibition

'St Michael's Victory over the Devil'

Epstein's Statue

This photo of the statue suspended over the entrance to Waverley Market was taken in 1961 from  Waverley Bridge looking towards Forsyth's store (now Topshop) in Princes Street.

The statue was created by the American-born modern British sculptor, Jacob Epstein (1880-1959) in 1958 to be displayed on the wall of the newly-built Coventry Cathedral.  Read more about the sculptor on this wiki page:  Epstein


Jacob Epstein's statue, 'St Michael's Victory over the Devil' at Waverley Market entrance, 1961  -  Photograph taken by Allan Dodds

©  Allan Dodds, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England.  This is one of the photos on Allan's Flicker page


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    Jacob Epstein's statue, 'St Michael's Victory over the Devil' at Waverley Market entrance, 1961  -  Photograph taken by Allan Dodds ©


Waverley Market History

Waverley Market Exhibitions + Photos

