Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh

Visiting Card

The Front of the Visiting Card

Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh  -  Visiting Card, 1967

©  Reproduced with acknowledgement to Davy Turner, Craigmillar, Edinburgh

The Back of the Visiting Card

Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh  -  Visiting Card, 1967

©  Reproduced with acknowledgement to Davy Turner, Craigmillar, Edinburgh


Hospital Visiting Card

Thank you to Davy Turner for sending me a the photos above.

Davy wrote:

Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh

"I came across this Hospital Visiting Card among some bits and bobs belonging to my late grandmother.  I have never seen these before.

Davy Turner, Craigmillar, Edinburgh:  December 10, 2009


Other Documents

Hospital Recollections Around Edinburgh


