Edinburgh Recollections

Men's Fashions


Frank Ferri west of Newhaven Harbour

Edinburgh Fashions  -  Frank Ferri to the west of Newhaven Harbour, 1971

©  Reproduced with acknowledgement to Frank Ferri, Newhaven, Edinburgh

Men's Fashions

Thank you to Frank Ferri, Newhaven, Edinburgh, for sending this photo, taken in 1971 to the west of Newhaven Harbour.  

This is one of several photos of men's fashions in Edinburgh between 1960 and 1971 that Frank has sent to me.

Frank wrote:


"This photo was taken just west of Newhaven harbour.

My hair is now longer.

Fitted jackets with double-vent are now fashionable, with broad ties, mandatory silk hankie in breast pocket and ankle boots."

Frank Ferri, Newhaven, Edinburgh:  November 6, 2009

Please click on this link to see more photos of Men's Fashions, 1960-71.


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