Tram Poster


Tram Poster  -  Stop the Trams

©  Grant McKeeman and Stuart Wardell, Copymade Ltd, Edinburgh


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   Tram Poster  -  Stop the Trams ©


Edinburgh Trams


This is one of several several Tram Posters produced by opponents to Edinburgh's trams, Grant McKeeman and Stuart Wardell.  I first saw it displayed in their shop window at Haymarket in early 2011.


At that time, the tram project had been plagued disputes, delays and  cost over-runs and it had become clear that it would not be possible to build the tram line all the way from Edinburgh Airport to Newhaven in the immediate future.

Debate had begun as to whether:

(a)  the project should be abandoned

(b) the line should be built linking the airport to Haymarket OR

(c) the line should be built linking the airport to the city centre.


A meeting of the city council in summer 2011 voted in favour of option (b), but this came as a surprise and the decision was soon overturned when a subsequent meeting of the council voted in favour of option (c), the line terminating at St Andrew Square


More Tram Posters

View more Tram Posters and read about the posters.  These include:

The Traminator


The Silence of the Trams

