

Couper Street Training School, Leith

Ferranti Apprentices  -  1952

Ferranti Apprentices, Coupar Street Training School, Leith - 1965

©  Selex Galileo, UK.    Reproduced with acknowledgement to Selex Galileo, UK,
and to Christopher Wood, Kelso, Borders, Scotland, for providing this photo.


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     Ferranti Apprentices, Coupar Street Training School, Leith - 1952 ©



Christopher Wood

near Kelso, Borders, Scotland

Thank you to Christopher Wood for sending me this photo taken in 1952, the year that Ferranti Ltd took over the Ground Floor of cooper Street School for their Apprentice School.

Christopher wrote:

Group Photos

"The intake in those days was enormous and there were over 100 apprentices there. This photograph can only be appreciated on a larger scale and individuals identified with certainty when magnified."


"I remember the canteen had only one dish on its menu - stew.  However, some of the boys from poorer backgrounds came back for second helpings with great enthusiasm, so the place catered for the minds and bodies alike.

Christopher Wood, near Kelso, Borders, Scotland: May 27, 2011

Later Photo

Please click on the thumbnail image below to see a later photograph and to read recollections of Ferranti apprentices:


    Ferranti Apprentices, Coupar Street Training School, Leith - 1965 ©



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