View from behind Bob Sinclair's home at

317 Pilton Avenue


Bob Sinclair and his Mum at 317 Pilton Drive - Photograph taken 1937

©  Reproduced with acknowledgement to Bob Sinclair, Queensland, Australia

317 Pilton Avenue

Bob and his Mum

Thank you to Bob Sinclair for allowing me to reproduce this photo of himself and his mother, taken at his home, 317 Pilton Avenue in 1937.

Bob tells me that;

-  the open land in the background was later converted to allotments

-  the LMS Railway from Princes Street Station to Leith via Pilton and Granton Road stations ran along the far side of the field in this photo.

Acknowledgement:  Bob Sinclair, Queensland, Australia:  July 12, 2010

Following the allotments, Ainsley Park School was built on the eastern end of this field, immediately to the right of the part of the field seen in this photo.

Ainsley Park school has now been demolished, but 317 Pilton Avenue and the other houses in the Avenue are all still standing.

Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh:  July 24, 2010

Bob and his Dad

Here is another photo taken at 317 Pilton Avenue that Bob sent to me.  This one, of Bob and his Dad, was taken around 1938.

Bob sinclair and his dad - Photo taken behind 317 Pilton Avenue, around 1938 ©

Bob tells me that allotments were later created on this field.

Acknowledgement:  Bob Sinclair, Queensland, Australia:  January 16 +19, 2010


More photos:  Pilton and Pennywell

More photos:  Around Edinburgh

