Tanner's Close

West Port, Grassmarket

Tanner's Close Pictures

James Peacock, Joppa, Edinburgh is looking for old pictures of Tanner's Close  or any of the buildings once located there.  He believes that Argyle House was built on the site in the 1960s.

James has found two pictures in the Edinburgh Room at Edinburgh Central LIbrary, one made from a lantern slide.  He is looking for more.

If you know of any please email me, then I'll pass your message on to James.

Thank you.    -  Peter Stubbs: March 24, 2008

James explained his reason for searching for the picture:

Burke & Hare

"I collect contemporary material relating to the darker side of Edinburgh's past, in particular material relating to Burke & Hare and William Brodie."

James Peacock, Joppa, Edinburgh, March 24, 2008

Burke & Hare were two Irish immigrants who came to Edinburgh to work as labourers, building the Union Canal.

During 1827-28, they murdered 17 victims in the lodging house run by Hare and his partner, Maggie Laird, at Tanner's Close.  Burke & Hare and sold the corpses to the Edinburgh Medical College for dissection.

James added

Snuff Box

"Recently, I was very pleased to purchase the small wooden snuff box, below, reputed to have been made from wood taken from the house of William Hare, in Tanner's Close.

Snuff box repurted to have been made from the home of Burke & Hare in Tanner's Close ©

Letter and Snuff box repurted to have been made from the home of Burke & Hare in Tanner's Close ©

The piece of paper took me a while to decipher but I think it says:

Burke & Hare's house demolished 1903 (circa.) to provide space for Saddler & Ironmongers premises of Mr Jas. Thomson (see lid of box). 

Premises now (1907) occupied by messrs Harris-Woullers v Burien.  Jas Thomson succeeded Albert T. ????? huwers ; changed later to motor accessories.


James Peacock, Joppa, Edinburgh, March 24, 2008

 Please click on the two images above to enlarge them.


Wooden Snuff Box from Tanner's Close


