



Alex Dow

Fife, Scotland

Thank you to Alex Dow, Fife, Scotland, formerly Edinburgh,  for the following recollections.

Alex wrote


Miller Homes

"In 1987, I handled the sale of the old family home, No 51, Bellevue.

It was "Old Miller" who "built" most of the tenement side of Bellevue Road.  His son Jimmie (later Sir James Miller) was the only person ever to become both Lord Provost of Edinburgh and Lord Mayor of London.

The Sail-Training Association boat, "Malcolm Miller", was named after his son."

Dairy Farm

"My great-grandfather Dow had the town-dairy farm at Broughton Point, the in-bye grazing being where the 1930s Miller houses are located in East Claremont St overlooking Broughton Road.

There was also grazing at Claremont Bank "behind" the TA Drill Hall; and there may have been more down Beaverbank at roughly where the old Duncan's Chocolate factory was later built.

Beaverhall Road  -  W & M Duncan's Chocolate Factory, around 1927 ©

Somewhere I have a poor photo of a painting done from a postcard, of the farm house, looking from Broughton Road with the either the belfry of the Primary School or a vent on the old Patrick Thompson's Repository showing up."

Alex Dow, Fife, Scotland:   25 October 2005




Ann Adamson

Thank you to Ann Adamson who wrote:

My Grandparents

"I would love to hear if any one knew my grandparents, Douglas Kendal and Georgina Kendal (née Shade).  They lived at 64 Bellevue Road.  My grandfather used to work for the co-op delivering the milk.

I never got to know them as my grandmother died in 1964 (before I was born) and grandfather in 1971 (when I was 3 years old and I have no memory of him).

Their kids were were Arthur, Neil, Myra, Margaret and Maisie Kendal.  They all went to Broughton School.

Ann Adamson:  June 24, 2015

Reply to Ann?

If you know anything about Ann's grandparents or any of her family and would like to send an email to her, please email me to let me know, then I'll pass on her email address to you.

Thank you.

Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh:  June 25, 2015


Further comments on Bellevue appear in   Recollections - Buses


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