Private Mario
recently came into these old documents
belonging to my grandfather, Private Mario Tozzi.
- He
was born in 1922 in Lucera (Foggia),
Southern Italy.
- He
served in the Italian Army.
- He was
held prisoner at Dalmahoy 123 German Camp.
- He was sent back home after being
diagnosed with TB, and died in 1946.
We don't know very much about him, since he was very young
and was already at the front when my mother was
born in 1942. My mother never met him. All we have is
the documents below. As a family, we'd like, very much, to
learn more about him.
Here are the
grandfather's Identity Document. Perhaps somebody will
recognise him from his photo and will get in touch.

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Mario Torri's granddaughter

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Mario Torri's granddaughter
2. A letter from his close friend,
Private P D Norton, sent
to my grandfather soon after he was sent
home from the Dalmahoy Camp.
We'd like to make contact with
P D Norton (if he is
still living!) or any of his his
family. They may be able to help us in
shaping the memory of our grandfather."
Livia Fascia, Naples, Italy, August 30,
P D Norton's Letter
followed by a
transcription of the letter
(a) Note the
'National Patriotic Fund Board, New Zealand' logo in the
top-left corner of this letter. Examples of the work of
this organization on behalf of New Zealand Armed Forces can be
found on this
National Patriotic Fund Board, 1941
(b) This letter
was sent from the Prisoner of War Camp at Dalmahoy almost a
year after VE Day, commemorating the end of World War 2 in
(c) The letter has
been repaired with sellotape some time ago. Most, but
not all, of the writing is still legible.
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: September 6,
2014 |
Page 1




Letter (4 pages): Reproduced with acknowledgement to Mario
Torri's granddaughter
P D Norton's Letter
DATE: 4/5/46
ZEALAND Pte. P D Norton,
123 German P W W
Dalmahoy Camp
Carissimo (Dearest) Tozzi.
You may be thinking I am a long time
writing to you. I was waiting to see if we might have a
card from you telling us of your arrival in Italy. But I
expect that you have much to do and think about with your wife
in hospital and little daughter to look after at home.
A card arrived the other day from Sangiorgi
at Faenza addressed to Sgt. Baldwin
so that the last lot of our Italians is
[page 2]
now in its native country.
All civilians now, and here am I at
Dalmahoy, still not liberated. However, July will soon
be here and I expect to go out of the Army early in that
month. Sgt. Lowry going out the same time. S/Sgt. Motici goes out soon and goes to
Sicily for some time. I
don't know just when he goes or for how long.
You know of course that we have all
Germans here but this has not made much difference apart from
missing you very much.
We have two German clerks in the
office but they don't do much and spend most of the day
learning English. But they do not know enough to speak
on the telephone [page
3] , so they do no "Duty clerk" at all. -
You know much too much English to be excused that. The
Germans do not know so much English as I thought they would -
on the whole. I don't think they know as much as you
Italians did.
I wonder if you have met Cafiero at
all. If you meet or write to him, please give him please
give him my best wishes. I have not asked you how your
wife and little girl are, but I do hope they are going on
well. I wonder if you passed through the Customs with
that smart suit which you were wearing ! and were not mistaken
for a British soldier
[page 4] and refused a passage!
It is lovely weather here now ....
lambs are skipping around the golf course & everything looks
so fresh and green, a big difference from the weather when you
left us.
The ginger cat can no longer be used
to put the Commandant in a good mood. The poor sleepy
thing put its foot into a rat. trap and after limping about
for a few more days, mysteriously disappeared so can no more
be seen sitting in the Commandant's in-tray. We have no
animals here at all now.
I hope you have enough "mangare". -
our rations are "semper diminuendo" but are sufficient.
This letter brings all the Best Wishes from
Monsieur Morton |