About 3 miles SW of the
centre of Edinburgh |
Peter Hoffmann
Highlands, Scotland |
Thank you to Peter Hoffmann for telling me about two
blog sites that he is running, both relating to Oxgangs. |
Blog Site
'The Stair'
This site, had about 200 blogs, covering the
everyday life, between the years 1958 and 1972, of eight families living
on one of the post-war housing schemes on the south side of Edinburgh, set
in the lee of the Pentland Hills.
Here is a
link to the blog:
Stair 6, Oxgangs, Edinburgh
Blog Site
'1971 Diaries'
This is a daily blog
for the Internet, based on Peter's 1971 diary,
written when he was living at Oxgangs and attending Boroughmuir School.
Peter plans
to add more to his blog every day during 2016.
Here is a
link to his blog:
Oxgangs Boroughmuir Diaries
With acknowledgement to Peter Hoffmann, Highlands, Scotland:
6 Feb 2013 + 7 Feb 2016 (2 emails) |
Peter Hoffmann
Highlands, Scotland |
Thank you to Douglas Blades for allowing me to
reproduce the photo below, and also to Peter Hoffmann who wrote: |
Grandfather's Car
"During the 1960s, the
Hoffmanns had a general Sunday pattern for many years which revolved
around being collected at
'The Stair'
by our grandfather any time after 11am to be taken down to Portobello for
the day.
We didn't have a telephone and of course mobiles weren't even dreamed of
back then. Anne, Iain and I used to stand
at our parents' front bedroom window to look out for our grandfather's car
(Ford Zephyr Mk6) coming down the hill at Greenbank.
It's uncanny to think we could see that far from the far end of Oxgangs
Avenue, but this was when the prefabs were still there and before the new
blocks of flats were built which replaced them."
Oxgangs Avenue
Photo taken from the balcony of 6/6 Oxgangs Avenue
Prefabs in the foreground, Oxgangs development in the background.

Douglas Blades (one of 41 members of Peter Hoffmann's
6, Oxgangs' blog site.
Thank you, also, to Peter Hoffmann for sending a copy of this photo to me.
"We couldn't be entirely certain that it was
his car, but there were
relatively few cars on the road back then on a Sunday.
A cry would go up:
'That's Gaga!' - and
we'd all rush to get ready. Sometimes
of course it wasn't and we'd go back to our waiting stations."
Peter Hoffmann, Highlands, Scotland:
April 3, 2013 (2 emails) |
Peter Hoffmann
Highlands, Scotland |
St John's Church
Thank you to Peter Hoffmann for writing again about
Oxgangs, this time to tell me about the imminent closure of St
John's Church, Oxgangs on 30 December, 2013 and to
provide the link below.
Stair, 6 Oxgangs web site reports that the proposed closure of the
church with comments and photos. It ends with several postings on
the subject.
Acknowledgement: Peter Hoffmann, Highlands, Scotland:
November 24, 2013 |
Peter Hoffmann
Highlands, Scotland |
Thank you to Peter Hoffmann for writing again, this
time to tell me about a book that he has written:
The book has been taken from a blog that was
updated daily for five month, from August to December 2012.
This blog was entitled:
Scotland, 6 Oxgangs Avenue, 1958-1972, The Stair
Peter's book now available as a Kindle edition from
Amazon. Please click on the image below to read more.
I asked Peter if he could give me a couple of
extracts from the book to add to this page to give people an idea of the
content of the book. He has sent me two (below):
Bed in Summer
Field in Winter
extract |
Extracts from Peter's book:
Bed in Summer
had to go to bed far too early on summer evenings when we were young. We
children had the back bedroom which faced toward the Pentland Hills and
the scree slopes of Caerketton and Allermuir. It was south to south west
facing and therefore enjoyed the sun from lunch time until early evening.
The curtains would hardly contain
the light and I would lie in bed on the top bunk watching the shadows of
the numbers 4, 27 or 16 Edinburgh Corporation buses move and circulate
around three of the four walls of our bedroom.
there would be the sound of footsteps going past of an adult returning
home from work to Oxgangs Street or going out for an evening outing. Worst
of all were the sounds of other children laughing and shouting, still out
enjoying themselves playing.
I suppose it must have been the
same for the Hoggs, the Blades and the Duffy children too?
It may have been a small comfort if we'd realised we weren't
alone - a century
before Stevenson clearly experienced the
thing too."
Field in Winter
"... ...
Where the field really came alive however was when the snows of
winter came. It was then that The Field
truly came into its own.
The ground may have been frozen
hard as iron and to all extents dead, but it was alive with children and
young people both girls and boys.
What a sight it was to behold-a
carpet of white, adorned with stick like figures-some quite colourful, but
more likely inside the dark blue nylon anoraks that many of us wore at
that time-starkly contrasted against the landscape-dark on white, the
scenario straight out of a Lowrie painting.
And then when dusk came and the
night fell and the street-lights on Oxgangs Road North slowly began to
flicker on and the dancing headlamps of the cars and buses carrying the
workers home, watchers by the threshold could catch happy flitting figures
dancing across the white landscape of The Field."
Peter Hoffmann, Highlands, Scotland:
January 6 + 12, 2014 |
Peter Hoffmann
Highlands, Scotland |
Thank you to Peter Hoffmann for writing again,
telling me about another book that he has written.
Peter wrote: |
An Edinburgh Boyhood
Top Secret 1971 Oxgangs/Boroughmuir Diaries
of Retep Nnamffoh Aged Fourteen And A Hauf!"
Volume 2 (Edinburgh Trilogy)
"My latest book (title
above) was published today. I thought it might be of
interest to you and your Oxgangs / Boroughmuir followers.
Details of the
book can be found on this
Amazon page."
Peter Hoffmann, Highlands, Scotland:
23 September 2016 |