Around 1960
"I am a professional writer about
to start on my next novel and have decided that one of the main
characters is to be the husband
of the proprietor of a photographer’s
The story is set in the early
1960s. Like most writers,
when they start a book there are some parts that need research as we
know little or nothing about a topic.
My knowledge of photography on the whole
is very limited, but especially during those times,
when I was very young. I was wondering if you are aware of any
publications that I may get hold of, - e.g.
if someone has written their local family
business history or their memories of life
in a camera shop in the late-1950s -
anything at all, in fact,
that would give me an insight into how a business of this sort was
Maybe through your network you know of
someone whose family ran such an
establishment that would be willing to talk to me that I could visit
or telephone.
I live in
Leicestershire, and don’t mind travelling within a 100 mile
radius to get the information I need."
Lynda Page: Leicestershire, England: July
5, 2010