About a miles WSW of the West
End of Princes Street |
Recollections |
1. |
Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire,
England |
- Railwaymen's Club
- Question
2. |
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia |
George Heriot's: Miss Hamilton
- Coltbridge Terrace
- Bonfires
- Donkey
- Bell's Mill
Laurie Thompson
Chipping Sodbury,
Gloucestershire, England |
Thank you to Laurie Thompson who wrote:
Railwaymen's Club
"When I was very young,
around 1950/51, my dad was a caretaker at a railwaymen's
club near Roseburn. Presumably, it served
the nearby Haymarket loco shed.
lived on the premises.
I've been back to look at the
building that I remember.
It's now private flats, and the nice garden that
it once had is now a car park ...

... but
it does compare
with a few photos I've got that were taken at the time.
anybody tell me what eventually happened to the
railwaymen's club? Where did it move to, and when?"
Laurie Thompson, Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire, England: May
20+24+25, 2014 |
Duncan MacAuslan
Sydney, New South
Wales, Australia |
Thank you to Duncan MacAuslan, Sydney, New South
Wales, Australia, who wrote: |
Miss Hamilton
George Heriot's School
"I also remember Miss
Hamilton from George Heriot's School"
"We lived in
Roseburn at 30 Coltbridge Terrace until 1964.
"At this time of year we were collecting wood and other combustibles
for Guy Fawkes night. We would build a big
bonfire in Snow's Field along Coltbridge Gardens beyond the viaduct and
behind a hedge opposite the bowling green. All the neighbourhood would
gather and bring their fireworks and everyone had a great time."
"As I recollect, there was a donkey in the
top field and we'd sometimes try and ride it. Every
so often it would object and run down the hill dumping the rider into the
Water of Leith."
Bell's Mill
"Bell's Mill was derelict,
and was the border of our adventures along the
west bank of the Water of Leith. We used
to climb though the ruins of the mill,
pretending to be explorers.
In 1988, on one of my many returns to
Edinburgh, I was astounded to find I'd been
booked into the hotel built on the same site."
Duncan MacAuslan, Sydney, New South
Wales, Australia: November 3, 2014 (2 emails) |