Scottish Union / Norwich Union

Insurance Company

St Andrew Square, Edinburgh



Mae Eddie (née Graham)

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Mae Eddie (née Graham), Toronto, Ontario, Canada posted this message in the EdinPhoto guestbook saying that she would be interested to hear from anyone who remembers her from school or work.

Mae wrote:

Broughton Senior Secondary School

"I was lucky enough to go to Broughton Senior Secondary School (1953-1957).  I was in Commercial classes, 1X1,2X1,3X1 then 4C.

Scottish Union Insurance Company

"I worked for Scottish Union / Norwich Union Insurance Co. in St. Andrew Square for ten years.(1957-1967).  Then, a friend at work and I  decided to immigrate to Toronto.

Now in 2013, I still miss Edinburgh so much and go back often. My wonderful education at Broughton Senior Secondary School and my working experience in Edinburgh put me in good stead

It was only this year that I retired from a wonderful working career, spanning 56 years since 1957.

I'd love to hear from anybody who may have known me from school or who worked with me in Edinburgh."

Mae Eddie (née Graham), 60, Eyre Place, Edinburgh, Scotland THEN (from 1967)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada:  Message posted in EdinPhoto guestbook, March 29, 2013


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