St Saviour's Child
Recollections |
Kames Brown
Perth, Western Australia
- Ages two to seven
- Old St Paul's Church
- The Premises
- The Grounds
- Coal Fire Range
- Living Quarters
- More Answers?
- Photos from 1912
Eileen Findlay
Gold River, California, USA |
- Fondest Memories
- Home
- St Paul's Episcopalian
- Memorabilia
- Visit by Duchess of
- Teachers
- Milton House |
Eileen Findlay
Gold River, California, USA |
- Mrs Purves |
Janette McDonough
Australia |
- My Dad
- The Kindergarten |
Eileen Findlay
Gold River, California, USA |
- Research |
Eileen Findlay
Gold River, California, USA |
- World War 1
- War Memorial
- Research
- WW1Memorial Booklet
- Certificates |
James Brown
Perth, Western
Australia, Australia |
James Brown wrote: |
Ages Two to Seven
"In the 1930's, two of my
sisters and I, attended the St
Saviour's Child Garden
Nursery. In our time, children were enrolled into the
nursery at two years of age, and, did not leave until
they were seven.
Between the ages of
four and five, children started
lessons on 'The Three Rs', giving them grounding
in preparation for their entry in to their
local primary
school at age seven level."
Old St Paul's Church
Lady in charge of the Nursery at this time was a
Miss Herdman, assisted by a Miss Rosie. The
nursery was under the auspices of
'Old St Paul's Church,
located in Jeffrey Street.
It has always been my
understanding, that the children of the
nursery mostly came
from the Congregation of the Church."
The Premises
"The nursery premises consisted
three floors:
- A
Ground Floor
- A
- A
Sub-Basement and Basement/Cellar looked
out to the Backcourt
at the rear of the building. The toys were kept in the
The children
played outside in the Backcourt, exiting the Ground
Floor by French Doors at the rear, and then down some steps into
the Backyard, then it
was a scramble, to get into the Basement for
the best trikes, toys, etc."
The Grounds
Backyard was walled on three sides.
east wall was a party wall with the next door
- The
south wall ran parallel with Holyrood Road, but
set a bit further back
- The
west wall was a dividing wall
between Gullan's Close and the nursery
Backyard. I
remember it
as being stone build, but don't recall
any railings. What I do remember, is
people going down Gullan's Close often looking
over the wall into the Back Play area."
Coal Fire Range
inside the nursery premises, there
was a very large black steel coal fire range.
In the weeks before Christmas, it was here.
at this range, that the Children used to send
their notes up the lum
for Santa.
There was always a
photographerr present, so there must be a lot of
old photos lying around.
Maybe there is, an Old St Paul's Church
Archivist with cabinets full of old photos."
Living Quarters
Living Quarters, above the
Nursery Ground Floor, were not accessed through the Nursery Front
Door. Access to these
apartments above was by a Common Tenement
stariway in the corner, to the right of
the Nursery Front Door. You climbed the Common Stairway, then turned Left,
off whichever landing you were seeking."
More Answers?
"I am
always available, to help answer any questions anybody wishes to pose
about the Nursery.
Bid You Adieu."
James Brown, Perth, Western Australia,
Australia: October 28 + November 2, 2012 |
Photos from 1912
Here is one from a collection of earlier photos of
St Saviour's Child Garden. Please click on the the thumbnail image
below to see all 12 photos in this series. These photos were taken
in 1912:
Eileen Findlay
Gold River,
California, USA
Thank you to Eileen Findlay who wrote: |
Fondest Memories
"Absolutely the fondest
memories of my life and times was being a wee bairn at St Saviour's Child
Garden in Chessel's Court in the Canongate."
lived at 2 Chessel's Court, the first stair as you went into the close. I
think my mum put me into St. Saviour's as soon as she could, since she had
six other children and worked three menial jobs a day just to put food on
our table, as my Dad "would neither work nor want" as she would put it."
St Paul's Episcopalian Church
was big in those days. It would take me too long to write down all my
memories and happy times at St. Saviour's, which was an offshoot of St.
Paul's Episcopal Church along Jeffrey Street, where I attended Sunday
morning services, the Brownie's and Girl Guides, not to mention all the
summer trips to Humbie with our wee tin can hanging around our necks by a
string for our "juice" when we got to the camp."
years ago the minister for St. Paul's announced he was giving away all the
memorabilia of St. Saviour's, photos, booklets, fundraising pamphlets from
eons ago. My sister heard about it and
went along and got what she could get, or what was left and gave it to me.
I have the list of the children who attended St. Saviour's when I was
Visit by Duchess of Gloucester
was born in 1944 and I had a photo of myself taken with the Duchess of
Gloucester when she came to Edinburgh and made a stop at St. Saviour's.
The Duchess came with Father Lockhart, and my memories of his wonderful
gentleness and kindness to the children has remained with me to this day.
"I also
all the teachers. Does anyone remember
Miss Herman, the German schoolteacher who used to teach the "older
children" in the rooms above St. Saviour prior to us going to Milton House
School? She was magnificent"
Milton House
too many memories and stories to tell. Many, many years ago, my family
told me that Milton House was also getting rid of stuff and had a sort of
Open House about all the former pupils who had gone through the school.
The Headmaster told a story about
the children who had come from St. Saviour's to Milton House after being
educated there until the age of 8. He said: "if some of the children were
misbehaving or just being a little bit naughty in the classroom, the
teacher would say, okay who did this or that --- and always and everytime,
the only hand that would be raised was from a child who had attended St.
We were taught so many wonderful
values at St. Saviour's, I get emotional when I think about it.
It made me who I am today, along with growing up in the
Canongate. If we could only go back ...
Eileen Findlay, Gold River, California,
USA: November 9, 2013 |
Eileen Findlay
Gold River, California, USA |
Thank you to Eileen Findlay who wrote: |
Mrs Purves
knew Mrs. Purves really well. She was one
of the local women who worked at St. Saviour's.
She was not a teacher, she was just one of the workers who helped
to take care of the children.
She lived in Pirrie's
Close to the right of Chessel's Court. I believe she died many
years ago, but I used to go and see her whenever I was visiting
my family in Edinburgh."
Eileen Findlay, Gold River, California,
USA: December 27, 2014 |
Janette McDonough
Australia |
Thank you to Janette McDonough who wrote: |
My Dad
"I have been reading all the comments
above on Chessel's court and found them really interesting.
Chessels Steps Court

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Janette McDonough, Austrralia
Here is a photo of my dad, George Allan, and
other children, taken outside the entrance of the Chessels Court
kindergarten, around 1911-12 when my dad was about 4 or 5 years old.
He is the blonde boy in the foreground,
sitting on the railings, towards the bottom of the rail . He lived
near the bottom of the Canongate."
The Kindergarten
"The kindergarten was definitely referred to
in that time as St Saviour's and was associated with Old St Paul's
Episcopal church in Jeffrey Street.
The ladies who ran the kindergarten were
Ursula Herdman and Katherine Borland. My older sister was
named after Katherine Borland."
Janette McDonough, Australia: 12
+ 16 August 2016 |
Eileen Findlay
Gold River, California, USA |
Thank you to Eileen Findlay who wrote: |
"Here is a message that I
received last October from Susanna Kerr. Susanna wrote:
Research Group
saw your fascinating entry on the Edinphoto web page and wondered if you
by any chance had any idea of the names of pupils of St Saviours Child
Garden, Edinburgh, from about 1880- 1900?
A research group of us who attend Old St Paul's Church in Jeffrey
Street, Edinburgh, are researching the names of the men who appear on
the wall of our War Memorial in the chapel of Old St Paul's, men who
were killed in the First World War. We know that some of the men whose
names appear there attended the Child Garden but not necessarily the
It would help us enormously if we knew which of the men had attended the
school only.
The Edinburgh City Archives do not hold a list of the names and the
little history of the school also contains no names.
I have a nasty feeling that a lot of the documents were thrown or given
away in the 1930s, but wondered if your parents and grandparents had
ever possibly talked to you about any specific people that had been
pupils at St Saviours and what had happened to them during the First
World War."
Susanna Kerr: 2 October 2016 |
" I replied to Susanna ,
telling her:
Research Group
attended St Saviour's as a wee, wee bairn.
Many, many years ago my family found out that the new Priest who stayed
at the house on Jeffrey Street was getting rid of a lot of St. Saviour's
photos, brochures, etc.
My sister went to the manse and got what she could, but at that point a
lot of people had beaten her to the chase, so to speak.
However, I do have many of their very early fundraising little booklets,
and even earlier ones where it shows the children in the back garden.
So when I come home I will bring them with me to show you.
Also, did you know that Edinburgh Library on George IV Bridge has an
entire history of St. Saviours. They only have one copy. My brother
took me there once and it was really fascinating to read what it was
like prior to the turn of the century.
You most likely know that it was originally brought into being to 'save
the wee bairns from the slums' and it was only due to the charitable
contributions of the more well to do members of Edinburgh, that it was
able to stay in business.
I have so many wonderful, happy memories of my time at St. Saviour's, as
well as attending Old St. Paul's during my upbringing in the Canongate.
I have always credited both of them for making me the kind of woman I
am today, including raising my two daughters with the same values,
ethics, honesty and charity that was instilled in me." |
Eileen added:
"I'd like to know what
photos and memorabilia other people got.
I was told there was a lot of it, but my
sister unfortunately learned too late that they were getting rid of all
of it, so she got what she could and I'm grateful for that at least."
Eileen Findlay, Gold River, California,
USA: 8 January 2017 (2 emails) |
Eileen Findlay
Gold River, California, USA |
Eileen Findlay followed up her Recollections 5, adding: |
World War 1
War Memorial
"On the wall in Old St. Paul's side chapel,
there are many names of soldiers who died in WWI. I was home June/July
this year and stopped into the church, talked with a gal who was working
on a project to find out if any of these fallen soldiers had attended
St. Saviour's."
War Memorial
Please click on the image above to to enlarge this picture
"I did some research for Susanna Kerr, as I
have some booklets with photos of St. Saviour's which were published
from the early-1900's up to the time that I attended the kindergarden in
1946 and later.
WW1 Memorial Booklet
"I came back to Edinburgh in
November/December 2017 (death in the family) and went to the church and
saw that they had published a WW1 Memorial Booklet on their research.
I got a copy of the booklet and left a £5 donation."
Some of the photos in the Old St Paul's
Memorial Booklet also as appear in one of the St Saviour booklets I have
from the early-1900s,"
"I was interested in all this research as
two Uncles on my Dad's side were killed in WWI. Their names are on the
wall at Edinburgh Castle. I also found out that you can order a copy of
WWI military death notices through the National
War Museum at Edinburgh Castle.
If you had a relative who died in WWI, you
can buy a very nicely printed hard copy certificate giving their name,
where they were born, the military battalion they were in and when they
died in WWI. You can do everything online. I think I paid £10 for
each certificate. My daughters here in America were thrilled - one more
piece of the puzzle regarding their Scottish ancestors."
Eileen Findlay, Gold River, California,
USA: 8 January 2017 |