The Edinburgh Society of Professional Photographers


Prices for Commercial Photography

Discussion of minimum charges for professional photography, particularly relating to a 'proposed costing basis of pricing' were carried over from 1921.  A rather complicated schedule of charges, with different rates for indoor and outdoor work was submitted to the meeting on 6 February 1922.                          [BJP 1922, p.100]


The ESPP Meeting on 6 March heard an interesting account of retouching, given by J Campbell Harper.  Speaking of the work of one of his young assistants,  he said:

"A photograph of a deceased gentleman was brought in for enlarging with alterations.  The original photograph showed the gentleman with a hat on and in shirt sleeves, in a garden.

A copy negative was made, the hat blocked out and a small enlargement made, and from another snap showing the hair, the assistant drew in the hair and put a coat on, the result being most successful.

This young assistant had less than two winters at Mr Young's drawing and retouching classes."

[BJP 1922, p.100]

Practical Classes in Photography

ESPP Members spoke highly of the classes being conducted by Mr Hislop at Boroughmuirhead School                                                                                          [BJP 1922, p.221]

However, Mr Hislop announced at the meeting on 1 May that he would not be able to continue to hold the classes the following year.                                             [BJP 1922, p.284]

Mr Hoskins was appointed teacher for the 1922 series of classes in Chemistry and Optics, but unfortunately it was reported on 6 November that these classes had become defunct due to lack of students.                                              [BJP 1922, p.702]

Posing, Composition and Retouching Classes

It was announced in October that classes in Posing, Composition and Retouching were about to commence at the College of Art.                                                   [BJP 1922, p.625]

Congress and Photographic Fair

It was proposed that Edinburgh' professional photographers should volunteer to host the Professional Photographers' Congress in 1923.                                         [BJP 1922, p.221]

It was confirmed at the Meeting on 28 July that the Society wished to proceed with plans to hold the Congress in March 1923.  It was also decided to hold a photographic Fair during the Congress, rather than in 1922.  Little support for such a Fair in 1922 had been forthcoming from Edinburgh's photographic dealers and manfacturers.

[BJP 1922, p.481]

Exhibition and Social Events

It was proposed at the meeting on 6 November 1922 that an the Society should stage an Exhibition and should hold its Annual Dinner March 1923.               [BJP 1922, p.702]

The Exhibition was arranged for the two weeks beginning 19 March, to be held in the Hall of the Society of Eight, Shandwick Place.                                      [BJP 1922, p.762]

It was also proposed to hold an Assistants' Social Evening with a whist drive and dance on 5 February 1923 and that Masters should pay for each Assistant.

[BJP 1922, p.762]

ESPP Membership

It was agreed on 12 May that membership of ESPP should be open to professional photographers whether or not they were based in Edinburgh and District.

[BJP 1922, p.284]

Electric Light Charges

A proposal in was made in 1921 that ESPP should pursue the subject of water rates, but this did not meet with any enthusiasm. 

This year, at the ESPP Meeting on 2 October it was proposed that electric light charges should be investigated.  Discussion of this topic was deferred until 1923.

[BJP 1922, p.625]



