Extracts from other EPS Wednesday Meetings


EPS Wednesday Meeting  -  5 January 1881

What is the Best Mode of

Toning Transparencies

At the EPS Meeting on Wednesday 5 January 1881, James Howie jun., Vice President took the chair for an open discussion on What is the Best Mode of Toning Transparencies?   

Other Edinburgh professional photographers who contributed to the evening's discussions were Frank Pelham Moffat, Thomas Muir, and William Neilson.

The discussion was opened by Mr Mathieson, who had clearly been experimenting with toning.  British Journal of Photography reported:

Mr Mathieson opened the discussion by stating that he had tried toning his transparencies both with gold and platinum, but he had not succeeded in getting tones to his entire satisfaction.

[He]  remarked that he found transparencies that had been toned with permanganate were not reliable, as they soon lost their colour; the plates with which he preferred making transparencies were chloro-bromide. ...

Mr Mathieson next showed a series of transparencies in the lantern.  The subjects consisted of various kinds:

 -  Landscapes, in some of which were introduced remarkably fine portraits of cattle, sheep &c.

-   Seascapes , in which instantaneous views of vessels were seen; also some very characteristic pictures of fishermen and fisherwomen at their daily occupations.

Photograph by James Paton

"The exhibition wound up with a beautiful picture of the 'Livadia' taken while passing down the Clyde at full speed by Mr James Paton, Greenock, a member of the Society and kindly sent by him to the Secretary for exhibition."

Photograph of Daguerre

At the same meeting it was reported that a photograph of Daguerre from a daguerreotype, by Mr JE Mayall, taken in 1846, was also presented to the Society by Mr H Baden Pritchard of the News.

 [BJP,  1881, p.19]


Extracts from other EPS Wednesday Meetings


