EPS Wednesday Meeting

6 September 1865

Exhibition of a large collection 
of photographs and camera.  

"A large and beautiful collection of photographs was exhibited by J Traill Taylor of London.

 [These included] a series of views, fine landscapes by some of the best English photographers, large portraits and characteristic costumes from Syria and Egypt, a number of good Card Portraits of photographic celebrities &c. &c.

The collection was very much admired, and the general impression seemed to be that such exhibitions before societies should be carried out as frequently as possible, as they serve to refresh the memories of members as to what they ought to aim at working up to. "

  An Improved camera for working with
Wet Collodion in the Field 

"Then Mr Chapman of [9, London Row] Leith explained the mode and working of a new camera which he had invented for working wet collodion in the field without tent or dark box.

[The camera was] fitted with three dipping baths which slide successively immediately under an opening on the camera body:

-  the first containing the silver solution
-  the second, developer and
-  the third water.

The progress of development is easily watched by putting the eye to an ingenious eyepiece, contrived so as to open when pressed , sufficient light being admitted by a plate of yellow glass in the camera door." 
[BJP  1865]

Extracts from other EPS Wednesday Meetings


