EPS Wednesday Meetings - Overview


Old and New Names

The 2000s started with a mix of lectures, from both familiar speakers and new names.

The old names

The old names include lectures by two Past Presidents:

Sandy Cleland, was President of EPS, 1985-88, and organized the EPS International Photographic Exhibition for many years has given several lectures to EPS, the first in 1979. 

 In 2001 his subject is:

Macro and Flash Techniques  [demonstration]

Richard Cormack, travel photographer, was President of EPS, 1985-88.He, also, has given several lectures to EPS, the first in 1968.

In 2001, his subject is:

Berbers and Hedgehogs – Trecking in Morocco

The new names

The new names include lectures on Digital Images by David Johnston and by Alastair Swan who won the Medal for the Best Slide in the Scottish Photographic Federation annual Slide Battle in 1999

The greatest change, so far this decade [2002] is the rapidly increasing interest in digital photography, reflected both in the speakers at Edinburgh Photographic Society, the thriving Digital Imaging Group and the prints being exhibited in competitions.

However the steady flow of audio-visual presentations has continued.

There have also been more lectures on documentary photography over the past few years.  Is it, perhaps, the millennium that has caused photographers to consider documentary work?


EPS Wednesday Meetings - Index



