Copyright Notice

All rights reserved.  No part of this site may be reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means, or saved in a retrieval system of any nature without the written permission of the publisher.

Please click on the copyright note below each picture, and/or on the © symbol beside each small image to find further details on copyright.  Then please email me if you wish to use any of the material, and I will try to assist.

-   In some cases, e.g. where the words or photos are my own I have the authority to give permission for further use of the material.

-   In other cases permission will have to be sought from the owner of the copyright and/or from the person who gave me authority to include the material on this site.    I may be able to help by giving you the last known names and addresses of the persons concerned.

Published by Peter Stubbs,  Edinburgh

Copyright note for use in the corner of pictures



I appreciate all the advice and help I have been given in creating this site and the permission given to include photographs from other collections.

The acknowledgements section of this web site, lists many people who have helped.  In the case of photographs:

I have included acknowledgements under each of the pictures on this site.


Untraced Photographers

In a very small number of cases, despite extensive investigations and enquiries, I have not been able to identify a photographer or copyright holder.

If you discover any such photograph on this site, and are able to help with the identification, please contact me, so that I can follow up and give appropriate acknowledgement?

I am currently attempting to discover who owns the copyright for photographs taken by Photo Illustrations Scotland.  Can anybody help?

Thank you

-  Peter Stubbs



Please also see  the copyright pages in Frequently Asked Questions.


Who owns the Copyright?

I don't know who now holds the copyright for these photographers.

If you know any of the answers, please e-mail me.      Thank you.

 Peter Stubbs

Copyright note for use in the corner of pictures 

