J R Coltart & Son
Trinity Academy
Class Photograph |
Trinity Academy

JR Coltart & Son, Leith
Reproduced with acknowledgement to Walter Lyle Hume, Cowes, Isle
of Wight, UK
Trinity Academy Class |
Thank you to Walter Lyle Hume
for providing the photograph above
Walter wrote:
"This photograph of Trinity Academy was
taken pre-1939 in school playground in front of gymnasium. The
teacher is Miss MacCoskrey.
I know a few of the names but would
like to name others, particularly the Ladies!"
Walter Lyle Hume, Cowes, Isle of Wight, UK. April 6,
If you can name any of the people, please
e-mail me so that I can
pass on the names to Walter.
Thank you. - Peter Stubbs.
Joy Barrie
Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
When I added this photo to the web site, I
described it as 'pre-1939'.
However, Joy Barrie has now written: |
1944 or 1945
"This photo actually dates
to 1944 or 1945. I can't be more specific because I attended so many
schools in the days of my youth.
I believe the teacher's
name was Miss Coskie. The little blonde on her left, in the front row is
Irene Crawford. I'm the girl on the right with the big bow in her
One of the boys is surely
Billy Carter, though I have to say that I can't pick him out. He was a
redhead and moved to Southampton soon after.
Dr Weir was Headmaster at
the time."
Joy Barrie, Toronto, Ontario, Canada: August 4, 2011 |
Walter Lyle Hume
Cowes, Isle of Wight |
The debate about the date of this photo
Walter Lyle Hume replied: |
Before 1944
"I have to disagree with the date of 1944 or 1945 for this
photo. that Joy Barrie gives above. I was on my
first ship by then."
Walter Lyle Hume, Cowes, Isle of Wight: August 10,
2011 |
Thank you to Walter for providing names of
several of the pupils below.
However, Walter added that he did not
recognise the name of Joy Barrie who wrote 'Reply 1' above. |
Trinity Academy Class
There are 45 pupils and a
teacher in this photo. The table below shows the names that Walter
remembers (left to right. in each row): |
Row |
Row |
3rd Row |
Row |
1 |
Ronnie Thomas |
W Spence |
Miss Coskie |
E Blair
Irene Crawford |
2 |
K Baird
Billy Carter |
G Gowans |
? |
? |
3 |
A Caulfield |
W Wood |
? |
? |
4 |
C Hay |
J Aitken |
? |
? |
5 |
A Baird |
J Souness |
? |
M Greig |
6 |
C Davidson |
D McMillan |
? |
? |
7 |
I McCartney |
R Inglis |
? |
? |
8 |
? |
? |
? |
D Wood |
9 |
C Osborne |
? |
? |
? |
10 |
W Hume |
? |
? |
? |
11 |
I Flucker |
? |
Joy Barrie |
? |
12 |
? |
? |
added that the name of the headmaster at the time was Tam Scott. |
Acknowledgement: Walter Lyle Hume, Cowes, Isle of
Wight, England: Aug 10, 2011 + 25 Apr 2012
These names (in red) supplied by Joy
Barrie, Toronto, Ontario, Canada: August 13+16, 2011 |
Joy Barrie
Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Joy Barrie wrote again: |
"Confusion. confusion ...
Is Walter saying that he is in this picture? If so, which
one is he? I'm not surprised that he doesn't recognise me.
I don't recognise him.
However, that's
definitely me in the second row (blonde, big bow) and that is
definitely Irene Crawford beside the teacher.
Date of Photo
"I came to Edinburgh
from Perth when I was nine, late in the school year, and Miss Coskie
appointed Irene as my guide and mentor, since we lived near each other.
I don't remember exactly where
our classroom was situated. I think it was across the road from the
main building. The following year, our class - or at least some of us -
moved into the sports pavilion on the nearby sports field.
I was born in February 1934, so
the photo might just possible date to 1943, but certainly no earlier.
Sorry about that Walter."
Joy Barrie, Toronto, Ontario, Canada: August 13, 2011 |
Which Class?
Thanks, Joy, for your comments
about this photo. Yes, Walter is saying that he is in this photo,
and that he is 2nd from the right of the back row.
You say you feel that this is
definitely a photo of your own class, and that you recognise two people in
it, including yourself.
However, Walter says it is his
class and he recognises 20 people in it including himself - and the
original photo reproduced above belongs to Walter.
So it seems almost certain to me that this is
a photo of Walter's class. You could both be correct, if you were
both in the same class, but you both tell me that you don't recognise each
other ! |
Is there anybody else who recognises themself
in this photo, who would like to comment.
If so,
please email me. Thank you. |
Peter Stubbs,
Edinburgh: August 13, 2011 |
Joy Barrie
Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Joy Barrie wrote again: |
Photo Puzzle
"Me again. It's a
puzzle, right enough.
I never had a copy of
this photo as my mother wouldn't buy it. She said my eyes were
closed. On closer inspection this does seem to be the case.
I see now that the boy
in the back row, second from the left - the one with the open
neck shirt - is Billy Carter. I wasn't in this class for
very long which is probably why I don't recollect many names,
although I have to confess I have never been very good with
names and faces.
It does seem to be a
very large class, even for wartime. Could it be a combined
School Concert
"My recollections of
first year secondary school are clearer. This was the year that
the redoubtable Music teacher Miss Munro joined the staff at the
I took part in what I
believe was the first post-war concert at the Usher Hall. Miss
Munro created a seafaring theme, with excerpts from 'HMS
Pinafore', 'The Flying Dutchman ' and 'En Bateau'. as well as
singing in the chorus. I took part in the ballet as a sea wave.
Not that any of this
helps. We need another septuagenarian to give me credit!"
Joy Barrie, Toronto, Ontario, Canada: August 16, 2011 |
Walter Lyle Hume
Cowes, Isle of Wight |
Walter Lyle Hume replied
again, confirming the photo must have been taken earlier than 1944.
Walter is one of the pupils in the photo. By 1944, he was on his
first ship. Walter added: |
Before 1944
"I agree, the teacher's name was Coskie. Tam Scott
was the Headmaster."
Walter Lyle Hume, Cowes, Isle of Wight: April 25,
2012 |
Sadly, I have not had chance
to thank Walter for his message above.
I had was not aware that
Walter had been ill until John Stevenson passed me this message from Andy
Hall of Newcastle on April 27, 2012..
Andy wrote:
Walter Lyle Hume RIP
"Some sad news to pass on.
Walter Lyle Hume, Cowes, Isle of Wight (ex-Newhaven) passed away
yesterday after a spell of pneumonia."
Andy Hall, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England: April
27, 2012 |
John added:
"I've just received this sad news
from Andy Hall in Shields.
Walter was a 'one off' and will
be sadly missed! His knowledge and willingness to share that
knowledge endeared him to many. Even after he moved to the Isle of
Wight, he was never far away, thanks to the internet.
Thankfully, he has left a legacy
with the info that he placed on the web."
John Stevenson, Trinity, Edinburgh:
April 27, 2012 |