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-  Stevenson & Co

-  Stevenson & Ogilvie

-  David Stevenson & Co

-  David Stevenson, Cooper & Co

-  David Stevenson & Co

-  David Stevenson & Co Ltd


The Stevenson family 

The Stevenson family has had several businesses.  There were:

Thomas Stevenson:           Sculptor                             1866-68

David W Stevenson RSA:  Sculptor                              1869-02

David Stevenson                Photo Process Engravers    from 1894

The Stevenson photographic companies were::

-  1892-94:   Stevenson & Co

-  1895-99:   Stevenson & Ogilvie

-  1899-17:   David Stevenson & Co

-  1918     :    David Stevenson, Cooper & Co

-  1919-20:   Stevenson, Cooper & Co

-  1921-36:   David Stevenson & Co

-  1937-71…David Stevenson & Co Ltd


Philosophical Instrument Makers

Alex Allan, Instrument Makers was established in 1805.

The company became Peter Stevenson, Philosophical Instrument Makers in 1836. 

The company continued, making optical and philosophical instruments until 1921, then hydrometers and thermometers, and is still (in 1999) a manufacturer of scientific instruments.

Stevenson & Co, and later companies were Photo Process Engravers.

David Stevenson & Co were also Art Printers and Art Publishers.


Adverts in 1899

 Advert (1)
Post Office Directory  -  1899

Advertisement  -  David Stevenson & Co

©  Reproduced by courtesy of Edinburgh City Libraries and Information Services


Advert (2)

 Established 1892 

David Stevenson & Co

81 Pitt Street, Edinburgh

Photo Process Engravers, Art Printers, Art Publishers

"The High-Class quality of our Illustration in Art Books, Science Books, and Books in General Literature, is well known and appreciated.”

"In the Journal and Magazine Department we have made a name for quickness and punctuality in dispatch, combined with artistic beauty of work, and on several pressing occasions have, by the rapidity with which we have tuned out important reproductions in Half-Tone, caused some little wonderment in out customers , and somewhat familiar feeling in our rivals."



