Valentine Book

'Do You Know?' Series


The cover of a small book in Valentine's "Do You Know?" series  -  'British Wild Flowers'

©  Reproduced with acknowledgement to Linda, London


A page from a small book in Valentine's "Do You Know?" series  -  'British Wild Flowers'

©  Reproduced with acknowledgement to Linda, London


Other Valentine Items

Book and Slate

Thank you to John Glennard who wrote to tell me about this book and slate.

John wrote:

Book and Slate

"I have a Valentines series book entitled "The Slate Book, Zoo Favourites" patent no. 204362, "combining a washable unbreakable drawing-slate with a book of simple drawing of zoo animals"

I wonder if you have any information about this book?"

John Glennard, Runcorn, Cheshire, England:  June 27+30, 2012

I've not come across that item before.  If you know anything about it, or if you have seen anything similar produced by Valentine & Sons, please email me, then I'll pass on your message to John.


Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh:  June 30, 2012


Valentine & Sons Ltd

Valentine Books


