City Mission
Logie Green Road
Powderhall, about a mile to the north of the City Centre |

Callaghan, Falkirk, Stirlingshire, Scotland
Photo taken: November 2009
Robert Hepburn
Cornwall, England |
Robert Hepburn wrote about
growing up in Broughton: |
City Mission
We were encouraged,
on a Wednesday afternoon, before playing soccer
in Logie Green, to go in for a
Paris Bun at the City
Robert Hepburn, Cornwall, England:
February 9, 2007 |
Danny Callaghan
Stirlingshire, Scotland |
Callaghan added:
City Mission
"We kids would
go along to the mission sometimes. Your religion
did not matter, it was something else to do.
remember, probably
in 1958, that some of
the girls on our crowd went off on a summer camp with the mission to
Abington; yes the one on the A74.
So some of us lads decided we would cycle
there on visiting day. We were told it was just after Penicuik. We
thought, OK, that is not too far. My bike was
bust so I borrowed one and its gears were not working.
So there we set off with some sannies and
bottle of juice. Yes we know now Abington is a lot further than
Penicuik. In fact, it's
about 42 miles from Edinburgh, and all seemed to
be up hill going there.
We made it, and the
journey back seemed much shorter. Admittedly,
there was not the traffic of today, but could
you imagine any parents today allowing there 12/13/14 year olds to head
off on that journey. Then I suppose we did not quite tell them the
whole story, but in all honesty we did not know
Anyway, it was "safe
out and safe home" a round trip of 84 miles in bike without gears."
City Mission Today
"Judging by its well-cared-for state, the
timber hall was still very
much in use when I took this picture
in November 2009.
The hall is now surrounded with houses:
Danny Callaghan, Falkirk, Stirlingshire,
Scotland: February 16, 2011 |
Danny tells me that he passed the City Mission this
week and it is still very much in use. It is in Logie Green Road,
near the corner of Logie Green Gardens, almost opposite the new
Beaverbank Business Park.
Evidence of the 21st century can be seen in the
2009 photo above:
- the car
- the 'speed hump' road calming measure
- the parking ticket machine on the pavement.
But, see also
'Recollections 3' below for the name of this mission.
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: February
19, 2011
Danny Callaghan
Stirlingshire, Scotland |
Callaghan added:
"The name that I remember
for this building was the 'City Mission', but the building that's there
now seems to be 'Logie Green Mission'. I'll check the situation next
time I'm in the area, then the web site can be updated if necessary."
Danny Callaghan, February 20, 2011 |
Callaghan added:
"I had another look at
the Mission in Logie Green Road earlier this week. The only name on
the building now is 62 Logie Green Road.
I spoke to the next door
neighbour who told me that the mission is still being used by very regular
members, including one who used to be a well known soap box preacher at
The Mound."
Danny Callaghan, March 4, 2011 |