Embassy Cinema

Boswall Parkway


Queue for 'Bridge on the River Kwai''

Embassy Cinema,  Boswall Parkway, 1957  -  Queue for 'Bridge on the River Kwai'

©  Scotsman Publications Ltd.   Click here for web site details    Licensor: www.scran.ac.uk     Ref.000-000-057-982  Scotsman 99998688




Steven Oliver

Duns, Borders, Scotland

Thank you to Steven Oliver, who writes:

Embassy Cinema


"The caption for the this photo  on the Scran site is totally wrong. It is described as "Cassado, Menuhin and Kentner Concert at Pilton Embassy Cinema" with a date given as 1954. 

However, there are a few clues in that picture which prove otherwise:

-  The Guy bus approaching the Embassy is one of a batch of seventy new in 1956 and 1957.

-  The advert over the entrance to the cinema  is promoting the film 'Bridge on the River Kwai'.

Talented as Yehudi Menuhin was, I don't think that 'Bridge on the River Kwai' was amongst his credits, unless he had a musical role in it!"

Steven Oliver, Duns, Borders, Scotland:  October 29, 2009

Another clue:  I believe that the Menuhin concert at the Embassy was for children, not adults.

See also:

Update below, for the actual date of the photo above.

Comments 5 below, concerning the date of the Menuhin concert.

Peter Stubbs:  November 12, 2009


I checked with The Scotsman.  They replied today, telling me that the date of this photo was, in fact, 1958.

Peter Stubbs:  November 19, 2009




Steven Oliver

Duns, Borders, Scotland

Steven Oliver (who has a good knowledge of Edinburgh lampposts, as well as Edinburgh buses!) added:


    Embassy Cinema,  Boswall Parkway, 1957  -  Queue for 'Bridge on the River Kwai' ©

"I can just remember the lampposts in this picture (Mackenzie & Moncur slimlines, albeit with newer lanterns). 

These were replaced in 1980 by newer columns and more up-to-date and powerful lanterns as the entire street was relit.

As of now (2009) the 1980-vintage columns remain, but with newer lanterns."

Steven Oliver, Duns, Borders, Scotland:   November 30, 2009




Steven Oliver

Duns, Borders, Scotland

I asked Steven why the 1966 and 1972 photos showed a newer lamppost, if the Mackenzie & Moncur slimlines were not replaced until 1980.


Following the 1964 fire

    Embassy Cinema,  Boswall Parkway - Following the fire in January 1966 ©


Fallen into disrepair

    Embassy Cinema,  Boswall Parkway  -  Fallen into disrepair, November 1972 ©

Steven replied:


"The reason for the newer lampposts appearing in the 1966 and 1972 photos is that it would have been a casual replacement for an accident victim.   Boswall Parkway had two of these later columns, one each side of its junction with Pilton Drive. These went with the slimline columns in autumn 1980.

Because the old columns were positioned kerbside, it put them at the mercy of passing vehicles and quite a few throughout Edinburgh were knocked over if drivers didn't look where they were going."

Steven Oliver, Duns, Borders, Scotland:   December 12, 2009




Walter Lyle Hume

Cowes, Isle of Wight, England

Walter Lyle Hume, formerly of Edinburgh and now living in the Isle of Wight, wrote:

The Manager

"The Embassy was within the Leith Cinema Group (State).

 William Albin was the Managing Director.  His son, Bill, became Manager of the Embassy after serving in the crew of the salvage tug 'HMS Bustler', built by Henry Robb in Leith.

Walter Lyle Hume, Cowes, Isle of Wight: December 12, 2009




Douglas Bryce

Pilton, Edinburgh

The caption for the Embassy photo on the Scran web site refers to the Menuhin concert at the Embassy being in 1954.  However, Dougie Bryce has written to say:

Date of the Menuhin Concert

"The Yehudi Menuhin concert was later than 1954.

I remember going to the concert one lunchtime in the Embassy from Ainslie Park School.  It was more like 1958 or 1959."

Douglas Bryce, Pilton, Edinburgh:  November 13, 2009




Carole Mills (née Manson)

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Carole Mills (née Manson), now aged 76 and living in South Australia remembers the Embassy Cinema in Boswall Parkway..

Carole wrote:

Embassy Picture House


"After reading about so many people going to the Embassy Picture House, I'm wondering if anybody remembers the lady that gave the tickets out,.

Her name was Mrs Jessie Brenchley.  She was a lovely, and was a friend.  Her daughters are still friends of mine."

Carole Mills (née Manson), Adelaide, South Australia, Australia:  February 28, 2014




Donald Grant

Penicuik, Midlothian, Scotland

Thank you to Donald Grant for sending me this photo of Embassy Cinema being demolished:


Donald wrote:


"Here is a scan of a transparency I took during the demolition of the Embassy cinema.  I can't recall exactly when I took the photo.  It was probably around 1975 or so."

Lamp Posts

"The photo is not the best quality, I'm afraid,  but it does show quite clearly that Steven Oliver was quite right in 2009 when he said that the more modern lamp standards would have been casual replacements, as both types can be seen on Boswall Parkway."

Donald Grant, Penicuik, Midlothian, Scotland:  March 9, 2014




Donald Grant

Penicuik, Midlothian, Scotland

Thank you to Donald Grant for sending me this photo of Embassy Cinema being demolished:


Donald wrote:


"Here is a scan of a transparency I took during the demolition of the Embassy cinema.  I can't recall exactly when I took the photo.  It was probably around 1975 or so."

Lamp Posts

"The photo is not the best quality, I'm afraid,  but it does show quite clearly that Steven Oliver was quite right in 2009 when he said that the more modern lamp standards would have been casual replacements, as both types can be seen on Boswall Parkway."

Donald Grant, Penicuik, Midlothian, Scotland:  March 9, 2014




Nicola Willingham

Thank you to Nicola Willingham who wrote:


"I've been searching for some information about the Embassy Picture House.  My Nan, Janet Dawson,  worked there and was then  also known as Janet Dawson Cameron.

She would tell me stories of when she worked there, and told me that she had the best time ever there.   Her uncle, Ginger Cameron worked there too.

My Nan was born in 1929.  Sadly, she passed away at the beginning of this month,  aged 88.

I often recall her talking about the Embassy and wondered if you had any photos."

Nicola Willingham:  27 May 2017


Hi Nicola:

You'll see by scrolling up this page that I already have a few photos of the Embassy and a a little information about it on the EdinPhoto web site.

I also have a copy of a book entitled "The Last Picture Shows, Edinburgh by Brendan Thomas.  The book was published in 1984  (ISBN 0 906606 09 8) 

This book has a little information about the Embassy and a photo of it together with lots of  information about the history of other Edinburgh cinemas.

The original cost of this book was £2.95, but I found it difficult to trace a copy of it and had to pay £8 a few years ago for my copy of it.

Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh:  29 May 2017




Embassy Cinema

Here are links to three later photos of the Embassy Cinema:


Following the Fire

    Embassy Cinema,  Boswall Parkway - Following the fire in January 1966 ©


Fallen into disrepair

    Embassy Cinema,  Boswall Parkway  -  Fallen into disrepair, November 1972 ©

Around 1975?





Embassy Cinema

Recollections of the Supermarket built on the site


Embassy Cinema  Edinburgh Streets Recollections



