J K Home Crawford

Portobello Pier


Postcard by J K Home Crawford  -  The Pier, Portobello

©  Copyright: For permission to reproduce, please contact peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk

The back of a postcard by J K Home Crawford  -  The Pier, Portobello


J K Home Crawford

Portobello Pier

I have four postcards by J K Home Crawford, all posted between 1902 and 1904.  Up to 1902, the Post Office in Britain did not allow divided backs, for address and message, on postcards.  So any message had to be written on the picture side of the card.

Here, the message is brief, but I cannot decipher it.  Perhaps it is written in Dutch.


Thank you to Ann Ferguson, who managed to read this message, and e-mailed me in November 2006.

Ann wrote:

"To my eyes (which may be wrong, of course) the message reasonably clearly says "Truly thine" - which would be nice if it's correct!"

Thanks Ann.  It's obvious when you see the answer!

 I have a second copy of this card sent to Durham with the following message written below the picture:

"Landed at the old Port again.  Splendid fun.  Hope to see you soon."

The back of this card is interesting.  The sender has scored out 'Post Card' and written 'Book post', then sent the card to Amsterdam, Holland for 1/2d  (i.e. about £0.002).


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J K Home Crawford postcards


