James Patrick  -  Castle Series

Duddingston Loch

in winter


Postcard  -  James Patrick  -  Castle Series  -  Duddingston Loch in Winter

©  Copyright: For permission to reproduce, please contact peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk

Duddingston Loch
in winter

Here is a view of a crowded, frozen Duddingston Loch.

This card was posted in Edinburgh on 19 February 1903.  It was one of the earliest postcards to have a divided back, but the writer wrote his message on the front.  He was economical with his words, using only 10 words for the message and the address:

Message:  "Ye ken wha frae"  (="You know who from").

Address:    "Miss Scougal, 74 Montpelier Park, Local".


Postcards  -  other pages

Castle series


