James Patrick  -  Castle Series

"Spring Time at Swanston"


Postcard  -  James Patrick  -  Castle Series  -  "Spring Time at Swanston"

©  Copyright: For permission to reproduce, please contact peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk

"Spring Time at Swanston"

This is one of several of James Patrick's views of Swanston throughout the year.  Swanston lies at the foot of the Pentland Hills, about five miles to the south of the centre of Edinburgh.

This is one of James Patrick's numbered "Castle Series" postcards, but the back has been damaged so I cannot see the number.  Below the picture is a verse by Robert Louis Stevenson.

This postcard was posted from Edinburgh to Dumbartonshire on 20 September 1912, The writer wrote

"...  You are having rare weather.  I see you are enjoying yourself  ..."


Postcards  -  other pages Castle postcards


