Anchor Close 

Anchor Close  -  1

Edinburgh Closes  -  Anchor Close, looking to the south towards Cockburn Street

© Copyright: Peter Stubbs  -   please contact      Photograph taken 2 August 2003




Please click here to find Anchor Close on a map of the Royal Mile.

It is No. 148, near the centre of  this map on the right hand side.


Anchor Close - 2



Anchor Close

North from the Royal Mile, crossing Cockburn Street

Anchor Close leads to the north and south from the centre of Cockburn Street.

-  To the south, the close leads up the stairs to Edinburgh Royal Mile

-  To the north, the close leads down a few stairs towards Market Street, but there is no exit into Market Street.

The close was named after the Anchor Tavern which opened here around 1715.  [A Guide to the Royal Mile

The photograph above looks from the northern part of the close, up the hill towards Cockburn Street.

Historical detail above taken from A Guide to the Royal Mile (Gordon Wright) ISBN 0 903065 88 6



Edinburgh Streets:    Edinburgh Buildings:    Around Edinburgh       My Photos


Engravings and other pictures of Royal Mile Closes


