Water of Leith at

Juniper Green

Water of Leith at the foot of Baberton Loan, Juniper Green  -  1960

Water of Leith at the foot of Baberton Loan, Junipert Green - 1960

© Reproduced with acknowledgement to Al Lorentzen, Inverness, Illinois, USA


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    Water of Leith at the foot of Baberton Loan, Junipert Green - 1960 ©


Water of Leith

Thank you to Al Lorentzen for sending me this photograph

Al added:

Juniper Green

"Here is a photograph of the Water of Leith at the bottom of Baberton Loan, Juniper Green.  It was taken in 1960.  You can just make out the old mill or factory in the background."

Al Lorentzen, Inverness, Illinois, USA:  September 27, 2010


    Water of Leith at the foot of Baberton Loan, Junipert Green - 1960 ©

After seeing this photo, Mike Cheyne sent me his recollections of playing at Juniper Green.  I have now added them the Juniper Green Recollections page.

Peter Stubbs:  October 1, 2010


Juniper Green


Photos - Around Edinburgh


