Photographers' Gravestones

Warriston Cemetery, Edinburgh

Photograph by Peter Stubbs  -  Edinburgh  -  Warriston Cemetery  -  Hippolyte Blanc's Gravestone

Photograph by Peter Stubbs  -  Edinburgh  -   Warriston Cemetery  -  Gravestone of James Howie Junior

James Howie Jun

Photograph by Peter Stubbs  -  Edinburgh  -  Warriston Cemetery  -  Gravestone of James Lennie

Hippolyte Blanc


James Lennie

Photograph by Peter Stubbs  -  Edinburgh  -  Warriston Cemetery  -  Inscription on the gravestone of Hipollyte Jean Blanc

Photograph by Peter Stubbs  -  Edinburgh  -  Warriston Cemetery  -  Gravestone of James Howie Junior

Photograph by Peter Stubbs  -  Edinburgh  -  Warriston Cemetery  -  Gravestone of James Lennie

Hippolyte Blanc

James Howie Jun

James Lennie

Photograph by Peter Stubbs  -  Edinburgh  -  Warrriston Cemetery  -  Gravestone of Peter Truefitt

Photograph by Peter Stubbs  -  Edinburgh  -  Warriston Cemetery  -  Detail from gravestone of James Good Tunny

James Good Tunny

Photograph by Peter Stubbs  -  Edinburgh  -  Warriston Cemetery  -  Gravestone of James Howie

Peter Truefitt


James Howie

Photograph by Peter Stubbs  -  Edinburgh  -  Warriston Cemetery  -  Detail from the gravestone of Peter Truefitt

Photograph by Peter Stubbs  -  Edinburgh  -  Warriston Cemetery  -  Gravestone of James Good Tunny

Photograph by Peter Stubbs  -  Edinburgh  -  Warriston Cemetery  -  Gravestone of Cosmo Innes

Peter Truefitt

James Good Tunny

Cosmo Innes

©  For permission to reproduce any of the images on this page, please contact


Please click below to see more photos of Graveyards

1.  Infra-red photos of Warriston Cemetery

2.  Gravestones toppled at Warriston Cemetery  -  January 2003

3.  Gravestones  Better news from Edinburgh Council  -  April 2003

4.  Howie Gravestones    Black & white and colour

5.  Graveyards   Black & white, colour and infra-red


Please click below to see  photos of Greyfriars Graveyard

4.  Gravestones   at Greyfriars Graveyard - photographed by Joe Rock


My Photos  -  All Subjects

Index to Photos


