
Who?  When?  Where?

Answer:    City Hospital, Edinburgh

I had originally titled this picture 'Golf'; but it has been pointed out to me that it is in fact 'Putting

Putting  -  Who?  When?  Where?  -  Answer:  City Hospital, Edinburgh

©  Reproduced with acknowledgement to John Stirling, Currie, Edinburgh:  November 6, 2009                         Photographer not known


Enlarge this photo

   Putting  -  Who?  When?  Where?  -  Answer:  City Hospital, Edinburgh ©


Old Photo

Thank you to John Stirling for allowing me to reproduce this photo.  The photo is taken from a collection of lantern slides that John rescued from being destroyed in 1974.  The photographer is not known.

Some of the other slides from this series are known to have been taken between about 1910 and 1920.

Who?  When?  Where?

Do you know recognise this location,  with the fence and prominent building in the background, or can you suggest when the photo might have been taken?


If you know the answer to either of these questions, please email me.

Thank you. 

Peter Stubbs:  December 1, 2009



Danny Callaghan

Falkirk, Stirlingshire, Scotland

Thank you to Danny Callaghan who sent a reply to me, almost immediately, saying:

City Hospital

"This photo was taken at the City Hospital, Edinburgh.  The hospital has now been converted to Cala Homes, now called Greenbank Village."

Danny added


"They do not appear to be playing golf, but putting.  The man on the right is holding a hole marker peg as used on a putting green. 

The putting green would probably have been part of the patients' recreation.  In fact, probably their only outdoor pastime."

Danny, Callaghan, Falkirk, Stirlingshire, Scotland:  December 1, 2009




Liz Miller

St Brelade, Jersey, Channel Islands

Thank you to Liz Miller for also sending a quick reply on this topic.  Liz sent her reply just one minute after Danny's reply, above, was sent.

Liz wrote:


"Looking at the golf photo, the building in the background looks very like a hospital. 

Could it be the City Hospital or Glenlockhart Hospital - or perhaps Craighouse?  I don't think the building is tall enough for the Royal Infirmary.

Could the men be members of Staff, or else patients on convalescence, I wonder?  If I remember correctly, the City Hospital was where patients with TB went.  These men may have been outside, getting near recovery.  Fresh air was encouraged.

Liz Miller, St Brelade, Jersey, Channel Islands:  December 1, 2009




John Hadden


John Hadden also replied quickly, also suggesting a hospital.

However,  seems likely to me that it is Danny Callaghan (1 above) who has come up with the correct answer.

John wrote:


"I have no suggestions for the place, but those buildings in the background remind me of the old ERI at Lauriston. 

If not there, then perhaps a different hospital."

Liz Miller, St Brelade, Jersey, Channel Islands:  December 1, 2009




Liz Miller

St Brelade, Jersey, Channel Islands

Thank you to Liz Miller for contacting me again.

Liz wrote:


"I have just put 'City Hospital Edinburgh' into Google Images, and there are a few photos and some information on that site, confirming that your photo is of the City Hospital!

I actually meant to point out that they were putting! 

I'm pleased that someone else thought it was the City Hospital - I wasn't sure, as I think I was only ever in the place on a few occasions.

I do remember passing a room and seeing someone in an 'iron lung' - a breathing device fortunately  long since delegated to the realms of history!

These old photos are really interesting.

Liz Miller, St Brelade, Jersey, Channel Islands:  December 3, 2009


Where is it?

Around Edinburgh


