Who? When? Where?
Answer: Is this Edinburgh
University Playing Fields, Myreside?
Now part of the school sports grounds for George
Watson's College

© Reproduced
with acknowledgement to John Stirling, Currie, Edinburgh: November 6, 2009
Photographer not known
Putting the Shot |
Old Photo
Thank you to John Stirling for allowing me to reproduce this
photo. The photo is taken from a
collection of
lantern slides that John rescued from being destroyed in 1974. The photographer is not known.
Some of the other slides from this series are known to have
been taken between about 1910 and 1920. |
Who? When? Where?
If you can suggest
who this athlete might be, or
when and where this photo might have been taken,
please email me.
The pavilion in the
background might help to identify the location. There are
also some high poles to the right of the pavilion. What
are they?
If you know the
answer to any of these questions,
please email me.
Thank you.
Peter Stubbs: November 24, 2009 |
John Gray
Portobello, Edinburgh |
Thank you to John Gray who wrote:
Edinburgh University Playing
Craiglockhart Terrace
"That photo of the shot putter
picture looks as though it was taken in the same playing fields
as the picture of the high jumper. The pavilion in the
background looks like the same one."
John Gray, Portobello, Edinburgh: November
28, 2009 |
Thanks John.
I agree.
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: November 28, 2009 |
Neil Lawrence
Fountainbridge, Edinburgh |
Thank you to Neil Lawrence who emailed me again to say:
High Jump
"I'd like to revise my opinion of
where the photo of the high jumper was taken.
Here are photos that I took, today,
of the pavilion at the former Edinburgh University Playing
Fields at Myreside, now part of the school sports grounds for
George Watson's College.
Playing Field and Pavilion

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Neil Lawrence,
Fountainbridge, Edinburgh

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Neil Lawrence,
Fountainbridge, Edinburgh
Now that I have had time to look at
it, I find that it is quite different from the pavilion in the
photo at the top of this page.
So, we'll have to look again to find
out where the high jump photo was taken."
Neil Lawrence, Fountainbridge, Edinburgh:
December 5, 2009 |
Was the 'Putting the Shot' photo taken
at Myreside?
I think it is still possible that the photograph of the shot
putter may have been taken at Myreside, and that the clubhouse
has been modified since the photo was taken.
On the early photo:
- The left hand gable is certainly different
- No steps can be seen in front of the pavilion
- There is no clock, but there is room for
a clock to be added
However, there are some high poles in the photo of the shot
putter, similar to the poles for the tennis court to the right
of the pavilion on this photo of ladies racing at Myreside in
the early-1900s:
Myreside Pavilion -
So, some further investigation is needed!
Peter Stubbs:
December 5, 2009 |
John Gray
Portobello, Edinburgh |
Thank you to John Gray who wrote:
Edinburgh University Playing
Craiglockhart Terrace
"That photo of the shot putter
picture looks as though it was taken in the same playing fields
as the picture of the high jumper. The pavilion in the
background looks like the same one."
John Gray, Portobello, Edinburgh: November
28, 2009 |
Thanks John.
I agree.
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: November 28, 2009 |
Peter Rankin
Morningside, Edinburgh
Thank you to Peter Rankin who wrote:
Edinburgh University Playing
Craiglockhart Terrace
"I’m virtually certain that
this photo is taken on what was at the time the Edinburgh
University Playing Fields at the top of Craiglockhart Terrace
(what is now Watson’s Craiglockhart Pitches) on the south side
of the railway line.
The view is looking over the railway
line, facing almost directly north, and the building in the
background is what is now Watson’s Myreside pavilion, on
Myreside Road, viewed from the south.
Here is an
aerial view of the general
area and a view ."
Peter Rankin, Morningside, Edinburgh; February 1, 2012 |
I think we can be confident that the photo of the shot putter
was taken at the Edinburgh University Playing Fields at
Myreside, as Peter Rankin explains. Several other photos
in the same series have already been identified as having been
taken here.
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: February 5, 2012 |