Door Lintel

on a building in Leith

Inscription  -  1601

Lintel on a building in Leith  -  Inscription with the date, 1601

©  Reproduced with acknowledgement to John Dickson, Royston, Edinburgh


Door Lintel

Thank you to John Dickson for replying to comments, on one of the pages in the Leith Recollections section of the EdinPhoto web site, about the door lintel on an old building in Leith

John wrote:

Door Lintel

"The door lintel that Tomo Noda is talking about appears as this drawing in D H Robertson's book 'Antiquities of Leith, 1851'.

Lintel on a building in Leith  -  Inscription with the date, 1601 ©

Originally, the lintel was in a house opposite St Thomas' Church in Leith Mill Lane."

John Dickson, Royston, Edinburgh:  October 15, 2011


Leith Recollections - Door Lintel


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