Willie the Scythe
Liberton Filtration
Willie the Scythe |
In his
recollections of working at Liberton Filtration Plant as a student in
the late-1960s, Allan Dodds remembers 'Willie the Scythe':
'Willie the Scythe'
assist me in this Sisyphean task was 'Willie the Scythe',
a retired man of about seventy-five years of age who came out of his retirement
each summer to do casual work.
Willie may have possessed no teeth but he could
scythe for Scotland! He literally shaved the grass and his skill was
remarkable and his rhythm impeccable."
Allan Dodds, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire,
England: November 28, 2011
Allan has now found the two photos below
that he took of Willie, around 1969. Thank you Allan
for allowing me to add these photos to the web site.
'Willie the Scythe'
At Rest

© Reproduced
with acknowledgement to Allan Dodds, Nottingham,
Nottinghamshire, England
'Willie the Scythe'
At Work

© Reproduced
with acknowledgement to Allan Dodds, Nottingham,
Nottinghamshire, England
Allan added:
"I've just noticed the
amazing muscles on Willies' left arm. These were
built up by working manually for an eight hour shift with only an hour's break
for lunch and two ten minute breaks for a fag and a cuppa.
I wonder how many seventy-five year
olds today could boast of such strength and stamina."
Allan Dodds, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire,
England: January 10, 2012
Ann Valentine
East Lothian,
Scotland |
Thank you to Ann Valentine who wrote: |
Willie the Scythe'
just been having a look through your site and came across the photos of Willie.
the Scythe. He was Willie Duncan,
I can tell you. He and his wife, Teenie, were next door neighbours
and friends of of my grandparents
for many years:
- first in Ravenscroft Place, Gilmerton from
the early 1920s
- then in the new houses in Hyvot's Bank
Avenue from 1939.
My gran died in 1980, almost 90 years old, but
Willie, Teenie and my grandad were dead long before that.
It brought back a lot of happy memories when I saw his Willie's photo.2
Ann Valentine, East Lothian, Scotland: January 14, 2012 |
Bryan Hogg
Gilmerton, Edinburgh |
Thank you to Bryan Hogg for posting a message in the
EdinPhoto guest book.
Bryan wrote: |
Willie the Scythe'
just seen the photos of
Willie the Scythe, who was
my great great grandad. It's so weird
but great to come across them, as he died long before
I was born and there are
hardly any pics of him left.
Bryan Hogg, Gilmerton, Edinburgh:
message posted in EdinPhoto guest book. |
Note for Bryan Hogg
Hi Bryan: I've just received a
message from Ann Valentine who tells me that she has a few photos of
Willie and some of his family that might interest you. So if you can
email me then I'll pass on your email
address to Ann.
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: February 2,
2012 |
Allan Dodds
Nottinghamshire, England |
Thank you to Allan Dodds, who sent me the photos of
Willie for writing again.
Allan wrote: |
Willie the Scythe'
"When Willie was working full time at the
filtration plant, one of the young labourers turned up for work one morning very
much the worse for wear, after an extended 'session'
the night before.
Willie took pity on him as he was so ill that he
couldn't work, but if he had cried off he would have lost a day's wages. Willie
suggested that he sleep it off inside one of the huge iron pipes that lay around
the site.
Willie covered for him and when the foreman asked
where the lad was at break time,
Willie said that he was working overtime at a distant part of the waterworks
where nobody ever went.
No further questions were asked and the lad got away
with it, thanks to Willie. Willie was one of
those people of whom Robert Burns said:
'The man's the gowd for a'
Allan Dodds, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire,
England: February 3,, 2012