St Stephen's Church

St Vincent Street, Stockbridge


St Stephen's Church, Stockbridge, Edinburgh, Organ and Organist - 1994

©  Copyright: Peter Stubbs  -   please contact
 Photograph taken: 
November 2, 1994


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   St Stephen's Church, Stockbridge, Edinburgh, Organ and Organist - 1994 ©


Organ an Organist


The photograph above is of St Stephen's Church, Stockbridge in 1994.  The organ was in use when I took this photo.  (The exposure was for several seconds, and the organist's head moved during the exposure!)

Later Photo

The photograph, below, of the organ in the church was taken about eighteen months later.  The organ is still in the church.  I believe that the organ stopped being used soon after I took this photo.  I don't know whether it is back in use again now or not.

St Stephen's Church, Stockbridge, Edinburgh, Organ - 1996 ©


St Stephen's Church

Around Edinburgh


