St Stephen's Church

St Vincent Street, Stockbridge


St Stephen's Church,Stockbridge, Edinburgh, Stairway to the Roof - 2010

©  Copyright: Peter Stubbs  -   please contact
 Photograph taken: 
August 12, 2010


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   St Stephen's Church,Stockbridge, Edinburgh, Stairway to the Roof - 2010 ©


St Stephen's Church

The photograph above is of  the staircase to the roof of St Stephen's Church.  The roof is at a fairly low level - at the base of the tower.

Looking north down St Vincent Street towards St Stephen's Church, Stockbridge - 1996 ©

A different staircase leads to the top of the tower.  Here is a photo of it:

St Stephen's Church, Clock Tower, Stockbridge, Edinburgh ©


St Stephen's Church

Around Edinburgh


