St Stephen's Church

St Vincent Street, Stockbridge

Old wheel for the Bell in the Tower   -  1996

St Stephen's Church, Clock Tower, Stockbridge, EdinburghLooking north down St Vincent Street towards St Stephen's Church, Stockbridge - 1996

©  Copyright: Peter Stubbs  -   please contact
 Photograph taken: 
May 6, 1996


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   St Stephen's Church, Clock Tower, Stockbridge, Edinburgh ©


St Stephen's Church

This picture shows the old wheel for the bell in the tower of St Stephen's Church.

Staircase to the Roof of the Tower

Above the clock, there are more staircases, leading to the roof.

One of these passes  an old wheel that used to operate the church bell.  I asked the clock winder how long it was since the bell last rang.  He answered: "About 10 minutes."

It must be a long time since the wheel last operated, but the bell is now apparently operated electronically.

The Old Clock Wheel

Please click on the thumbnail image below to see another view of the old clock wheel:

The Bell Wheel, no longer in operation , in the tower of St Stephen's Church, Stockbridge ©


Ritchie St Stephen's Church

 Edinburgh at Work

