Gorgie Tram Depot
Westfield Street, Gorgie
Now The BMC Club, Westfield Street, Gorgie
Gorgie Tram Depot

© Photo from the
Edinburgh Corporation Transport Collection reproduced with acknowledgement to
Lothian Buses
and taken from a print from the original glass plate made by John Dickson,
Royston, Edinburgh
Under Construction

© Photo from the
Edinburgh Corporation Transport Collection reproduced with acknowledgement to
Lothian Buses
and taken from a print from the original glass plate made by John Dickson,
Royston, Edinburgh: Feb 27, 2012
Gorgie Tram Depot
Photo 1
The tram shed can be seen in the background on the
left of this photo. It was a long, narrow shed, running from NW to
SE. parallel with and to the east of Westfield Road, as can be seen near
the top-left corner of this extract from a 1940 map.
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Photo 2
Here is another photo of the the main building in
photo one, now 'The BMC Club'. In this photo is is still under
construction. This photo looks to the NE towards the building.
The entrance to the tram depot can be seen towards
the lower-left corner of this photo.
In the background, beyond the railway line on the
embankment in this photo, is
North British Distillery with its two chimneys.
Also nearby, but behind the photographer, are
Glue Works, Gorgie Mills. The distillery and the mills, as
well as the tram depot are also shown on this map.
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