Old & New
history, its people and its places.
James Grant
Published in instalments over 3 years,
Now usually found bound into 3,
occasionally 6, volumes
Cassell & Co, London, Paris, New York,
Opening Page

Reproduced by courtesy of Jenny Parkerson
illustrations on this opening page are:
TOP - Edinburgh Castle, The National
Galleries, The Scott Monument
MIDDLE - St Giles Cathedral
BOTTOM - Holyrood Palace
first volume of Old & New Edinburgh begins:
old city has its origins generally placed among the fables and
obscurity that envelop the infant state of society, and thus,
like that of many other towns and cities, the origin of
Edinburgh, the capital of the ancient kingdom of Scotland
recedes so far back into pre-historic times as almost to almost
elude the most patient investigations and labours of
research; but in these pages we propose to trace the annals, and
to describe the varied and stirring events of which it has been
the scene, from the days when all around its site was a
wilderness of wood and water ..."