Engraving from Old & New Edinburgh - published 1890

East Pilton

Now vanished.  They were close to the site of the Northern General Hospital (also now vanished, and replaced by a Morrisons Supermarket)

East Pilton

Engraving from 'Old & New Edinburgh'  -  East Pilton

©  For permission to reproduce, please contact peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk


East Pilton


The Pilton Estate, built around the area of the farm in this picture, comprises Pilton Avenue, Crescent, Drive, Drive North, Gardens, Loan, Park and Place.  These names were given in 1933.

The book, 'History and Derivation of Edinburgh Street Names' (Edin Corporation City Engineers' Dept.: 1975) says that the streets were:

"named from East Pilton Farm.  The mansion house in the Barony of Piltoun was accidentally burnt down on 8th February, 1749.

The buildings of East Pilton Farm were located just to the west of Pilton Drive, and just to the north of the Northern General Hospital.


Edinburgh North and East  -  engravings

Around Edinburgh


