Employees of

JP Cochrane & Co


Employees outside JB Cochrane's Premises

Thirty employees of JP Cochrane, golf club manufacturers outside their premises

© Reproduced with acknowledgement to Kim Traynor:  September 13, 2009                                                Photographer:  not known


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   Thirty employees of JP Cochrane, golf club manufacturers outside their premises ©


Employees of JP Cochrane & Co

Where and When?

Thank you to Kim Traynor for allowing me to reproduce this photograph of thirty employees of JP Cochrane & Co, outside their premises in Murano Street, Pilrig, Edinburgh.

Where and when was this photo taken?

-  JP Cochrane & Co first appeared in the directories in 1896.

-  They were described as Golf Club and Ball Makers.

-  Their premises were at 27 Albert Street in 1896.

-  They remained here until 1908, when they moved to Murano Place.

-  J P Cochrane vanished from the trade directories between 1925 and 1930.

The Photograph

JP Cochrane & Co manufactured golf clubs and golf balls.  Here just one of the employees is holding a golf club.  Most of the employees have serious expressions.

More Photographs

Here are two more photos of Cochrane's workers, the first taken on the occasion of the workers' second annual excursion to Haddington and the second taken outside their premises.

Employees of J P Cochrane on an outing to Haddington, 1906 ©        Ninety-one employees of JP Cochrane, golf club manufacturers outside their premises at Murano Street, Pilrig ©


Photos - around Edinburgh

Edinburgh Recollections



