Miss Puntis, former
Music Teacher
visits the new
Leith Academy |

Stewart, Livingston, West Lothian, Scotland
John Stewart
Livingston, West
Lothian, Scotland |
Thank you
to John Stewart, who runs the Old
Leither web site with photos and memories of Leith, for allowing me to
reproduce this photograph of his family. |
John wrote
Miss Puntis
"Miss Puntis was my Music
Teacher at Leith Academy in 1946.
The photograph above was
taken when I took her to see the new Leith Academy in 1994."
John Stewart, Livingston, West Lothian, Scotland:
June 30, 2010 |
George Smith
Nanaimo, Vancouver Island,
British Columbia, Canada |
Thank you
to George Smith who added: |
Miss Puntis
"Miss Puntis was the
'Peripatetic Music
Teacher' when I was at Craiglockhart Primary School in the early-1940s.
My recollection of her is that of a short
woman, a bit stouter then than is shown in the
later picture.
Since I am not musically inclined I remember
little of what she taught."
George Smith. Nanaimo, Vancouver Island,
British Columbia, Canada: July 10, 2010 |